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Our company does not disclose, sell, rent, or transfer any personal information to anyone or to third parties. We do not collect sensitive data. The information collected is used for Google Analytics to locate a user and track the time spent on the website. Personal information is obtained when a form is completed. It is stored in a secure environment and is subsequently destroyed within a reasonable time frame. For the purposes of this policy, "personal information" means any information related to an individual that allows that person to be identified.

This policy emphasizes clauses adopted in the private sector to govern the collection, retention, use, disclosure, and destruction of personal information. These rules are designed to create a balance between the rights related to the protection of individuals' privacy and the need to collect, use, or disclose such information in connection with business activities.

Employees working for our company are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information. We have appointed an individual within our company to oversee the protection of personal information. At each stage of managing the personal information we hold, we ensure that consent is obtained from the individual concerned. This consent must be clear, freely given, informed, and provided for specific purposes, and it is only valid for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was requested. For any questions or modifications regarding your personal information, please contact our designated individual in writing at the following email address: josee@ajbsolutions.ca.

We are committed to recognizing the right of access and rectification for individuals who wish to view, modify, or even delete their information. This right can be exercised by sending us an email to the following address: josee@ajbsolutions.ca.

This policy has been drafted to meet the requirements of the relevant clauses of the statutes governing the protection of personal information and privacy.

A.JB offers you the most
affordable option
for your financial problems.

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