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Créancier Montréal
Creditor Montréal

Creditors in Montreal

You also have rights against your creditors!

If you are struggling with your creditors in Montreal due to financial difficulties, contact A.JB to stop the harassment and wage garnishment. We can present you with various solutions to help you get out of debt in a very advantageous way!

Creditors (whether Hydro-Québec, a financial institution for your credit cards, your bank, the government, or a phone or internet service provider) can become very persistent when several monthly payments are overdue. However, no matter the reason for your difficulties in making payments, it is possible to easily regain financial security.

For over 25 years, we have been helping people who are unable to meet their financial obligations, for whatever reason. Come meet with us. We will provide personalized advice to help resolve the situation and start fresh, without worries or stress! Our mission is to protect you from your creditors.

Creditor Montreal

Free consultation

To meet with our advisor Josée Brouillette and discuss the solutions available to end insolvency and debt, schedule a free appointment with our specialist at our Montreal office or other locations in the region.

Located at 7220 Saint-Denis Street, Montreal, A.JB is accessible to everyone in the area, with additional offices in VALLEYFIELD, on the SOUTH SHORE, and on the NORTH SHORE. Our dedicated services and friendly approach will help you find peace in the storm. Advantageous solutions are available! Inquire today!

For a free consultation, call (514) 313-6033.

Note: Children are welcome during our meeting. We will keep them entertained with drawings, drinks, surprises, and candy.

Are you ready to get back on the path to success? We would be happy to help you!

A.JB offers you the most
affordable option
for your financial problems.

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